Ueber uns
Foto: Martin Hammer

Georg Schneider

Since his childhood he has been fascinated by clownery. Other passions are music and literature. He produces radio programs (ö1 Mittelwelle Kunstradio), works as DJ and gives readings. His performances (holding his breath until unconsciousness, reading poems with a birds nose on while throwing eggs) are legendary. He plays the singing saw and the mini-accordion.
His voice has a special pitch.

Training: Hubertus Zorell (A) - clownesque and absurde theater | Anke Gerber (D) - mime | Jacinta Zimmermann (CH) - acting | Ralf Räuker (D) - biomechanics | Stefan Cassani (D), Joseph Collard (B), Peter Shub (USA), Jango Edwards - clownery | Veronika Seidl (A) - contemporary dance

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